
"Jul 27 2024 07:25:15","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:25:15","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:25:15","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:25:15","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:25:15","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:25:15","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:25:15","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:25:15","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'",""
Forums > Public Forum > Greetings earthlings
Batajitsu / AKA: Sorro
Greetings earthlings
Oct/23/17 6:26:34
Yo, QZ, yank, JRE, str4vag, aiur, Millos, KV and KJ.

How ya'll been o.o long time no see etc etc, can't believe this game is still runnin strong it's been years, woulda figured this game to of been dead in the water ages ago, happy that evo is still round though talk about making it through the test of time!

Marshal [FA]
Posts: 1
Oct/23/17 11:40:30
heya, all those you mentioned have pretty much left.

M m i x X
Posts: 4
Oct/23/17 18:05:18
well, except for yank :)

-=(M m i x X)=-
Marshal [FA]
Posts: 1
Oct/23/17 19:39:25
well .............

Dr. Yank [P]
Posts: 6
Oct/24/17 1:11:01
Some of us get SO old, we don't know any better. ;)

Nice to see another old friend....hope all is well and you are successful as hell. Come play a set, for old times sake, if you find yourself with some free time!

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