
"Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 03:44:56","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'",""
Forums > Public Forum > Anyone here?
Keitaro (RED/Evo)
Anyone here?
Jul/26/14 17:16:42
You guys still around playing? Dunno if you guys remember me, but I just thought I'd drop by and say hi. Send me a line if you don't mind me trolling your boards. lol

Dr. Beif, D.D.J. [IA/FA]
Posts: 3
Jul/26/14 18:33:24
Keitaro! I remember you, back in the toddler days of Evo :P You lookin at coming back?

ÐJ ߀¡f
ICQ 225071694
Keitaro (RED/Evo)
Jul/27/14 11:21:13
Hey DJ Beif, long time no see, man. lol

Nah. I don't know if I'd be able to dedicate enough time to the game (I barely remember how the game even looked, and I don't know what's been redone since). I have a nice cushy job and a toddler eating up almost all my extra time. I was just looking to see who I'd recognize in EVO. Anything change with the game? What happened after Mehul went back into his cave?
Dr. Tellarion [VP/HFA]
Posts: 6
Jul/27/14 13:10:08
Hello sir! Evo is still kicking about :) Lots has changed, but the basics are still the same as before.
Apr/21/15 6:52:51
nope nobody here
Dr. Yank [P]
Posts: 6
Apr/21/15 7:31:59
Some things never go away =) Been awhile since I've seen RED/Evo alumni. Glad to hear things are going well and you keeping busy with a toddler. If you ever need a rest, think about giving the game another shot. Changes are relatively simple and new strats call for VERY little time.
Dr. Qzjul [VP]
Posts: 1
Apr/27/15 20:04:38
Jul/30/15 12:01:24
qz - reinstate my access..
Dr. Rasp [XI]
Posts: 1
Jul/30/15 13:00:59
lol, your access is still set to active...

Need your password reset? Can you get on IRC or ICQ?

Or just give me your hotmail address on here and I'll email it to you.

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