
"Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:36","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'",""
Forums > Public Forum > Lost login details
Lost login details
Aug/09/19 3:50:37

I can't remember what my login details are but I do have some old Evo emails that confirm the email address I joined with.

Should I reply to that email to see if I can get my login details?

Dr. Rasp [XIII]
Posts: 1
Aug/09/19 12:26:01
yes. What was your handle? Maybe we can look it up.
Marshal (FA)
Posts: 1
Aug/09/19 19:39:30
pony i guess based on his email.

Dr. Yank [P]
Posts: 6
Aug/10/19 7:09:43
Can't help with password. Username=ponynz

Last post = May 27, 2008

Moved to inactive = Nov 8 2009 23 total posts

Member of AZN Division

Possible qz could dig up password, but after over 10 years?? Another problem would be getting hold of qz. Could request new set-up and I think Marshall could help you with that. GOOD LUCK...Always a pleasure seeing old schoolers checking in, especially from so far back. If interested in taking a shot at playing a reset, we can get you going and are here to help. Good timing as the current set is ending today.
Marshal (FA)
Posts: 1
Aug/10/19 19:23:50
just change his pass and move him to member or whatever he was at that time.

Posts: 1
Aug/11/19 13:50:50
Cheers lads, I made it in.


Pony Hates Salemo - (#1988)

BattleCC: damn..i m hungry

Rossoneri: fried kuay teow

Rossoneri: haha

BattleJRE: this is EVOWAR not EVOFOOD bitches :p

Yank> Yep, 4:30am my time....I saw you tried Diez. I don't list any number, because the wife would hurt me far worse than any KR, if the phone rang at 4:30am on any day.
Marshal (FA)
Posts: 1
Aug/11/19 19:40:35
no idea what was your old rank so made you member.

Posts: 1
Aug/12/19 1:24:19
Member was fine. I think I made it out of university? In any case, I'm shit at Earth but keen to get back into it.

Thanks for the login help.

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