
"Jul 27 2024 07:08:31","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:08:31","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:08:31","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:08:31","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:08:31","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 07:08:31","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'",""
Forums > Public Forum > dropping in to say hi
dropping in to say hi
Mar/14/15 20:12:43
anyone old timers i know still here? it's been a while, glad the games still around.

Dr. Beif, D.D.J. [IA/FA]
Posts: 3
Mar/15/15 1:31:58
Yo Haste! One of my old un4 buddies :) If you don't remember me too well, I was Cinco's brother back when he played too...feel like joinin us one of these days? :)

ÐJ ߀¡f
ICQ 225071694
Mar/16/15 17:50:14
yea i do remember u, is foo still around? :D

i'll try for next set in alliance (supposed started in april).

hopefully i can be active enough to last a set!
meanwhile going to go fiddle around with the game to brush up.
Dr. Beif, D.D.J. [IA/FA]
Posts: 3
Mar/17/15 0:10:12
I tried to contact foo through email and facebook, but no dice :/ Maybe he'll listen to you if you bug him? :P It'd be great to have ya back, we'll help you out lots with netting, not that you'll probably need it..

ÐJ ߀¡f
ICQ 225071694
Dr. Rasp [X]
Posts: 1
Mar/17/15 18:16:26
yo haste!

I don't remember beif being cinco's brother....

He likes to tell lies. :)

I have no idea what is going on.

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