
"Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 175","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'donor'","" "Jul 27 2024 06:19:44","/showpublicmessage.php","0","","/var/www/evolution2025/www/showpublicmessage.php: 182","(Warning)","Illegal string offset 'posts'",""
Forums > Public Forum > sup fruitcakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sup fruitcakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep/12/09 6:00:37
i was going to use my force like powers but im thinking ya'll dele4ted me from the shit...my ungodly long password that qz gave don work anymore.

at least unlock your irc so people can stop by and say hi =p


Dr. YouDiezSt [slag]
Posts: 1
Sep/12/09 9:19:29
mazooka is g4y
Dr. qz-jul ¡VP!
Posts: 1
Sep/12/09 14:24:49
you can join #evopublic :) and then we'll get you in chat

as for your account, it's probably still there.... yup your account is still there


Kingme [IA]
Posts: 6
Sep/12/09 16:28:01

GS Paralyzing Kings (#1273) [EVOtmac] --> RX smurfy RX (#324) [SoF] -- 1C

Dr. Lenshark
Posts: 6
Sep/12/09 16:55:45
get back here :P

Take the pain, cuz the pleasure is on the other side :)

Admiral JRE786
Posts: 4
Sep/12/09 20:54:13
nobody likes you :p

Leader of the Dark Side


Posts: 4
Sep/13/09 3:27:40
says the guy who left us...

mazooka come home!!! i doubt u remember me, but i used to play with you years and years ago under the name jtcpower in RED.
Dr. Yank [P]
Posts: 6
Sep/13/09 5:15:40
Maz!!!!!!! =D
Posts: 3
Sep/13/09 14:58:02
If I came back anyone can. I think it was 3.5 years away from evo and 2.5 years away from earth.
Dr. CC [IA]
Posts: 5
Sep/13/09 22:51:37
hey maz..watsup..

GS You are Bad at Netting (#1438) [EVOtmac] --> tr0utwaffle (#936) [Infernal] -- 1C **top 10 NW kill**
CM You are Bad at Netting (#1438) (EVOtmac) Power Outage (#439) (SoF) 16 C 463 B **16sec chem rush**
Posts: 4
Sep/14/09 1:26:54

Vicious EVO
Jun/18/09 4:37:44 BR dE ViciOus EVO(#1372)(EVOtmac) I die but Ill never qu(#1324)(LaF) 2C 0B
Posts: 3
Sep/14/09 3:23:19
It's my primary ally!!!
Posts: 2
Sep/14/09 4:01:24
Come join the party!
Dr. CC [IA]
Posts: 5
Sep/14/09 4:18:02
asdf...if maz is your primary ally...that means you won't win. :P hahaha. he is a leecher!

GS You are Bad at Netting (#1438) [EVOtmac] --> tr0utwaffle (#936) [Infernal] -- 1C **top 10 NW kill**
CM You are Bad at Netting (#1438) (EVOtmac) Power Outage (#439) (SoF) 16 C 463 B **16sec chem rush**
Posts: 2
Sep/14/09 16:12:49
get this guy out of here:P
Sep/07/13 10:58:53
The same thing happened to the ACLU receltny. Obviously, George Soros' investments have taken a dive! But seriously, they had a relationship with the donor not even worthy of an email saying I'm not giving this year ? That is the issue here.
Sep/08/13 10:15:00
I was privileged to be a part of the Parent to Parent Holland Support Group this last ssioesn. The Holland Group is for moms adjusting to a new diagnosis for their child. As a Family Resource Coordinator, I’ve gained so much perspective from all the moms. I learned how important it is to slow down, listen, and just listen. Often times we (providers) are rushed by timelines and paperwork but in all reality if we want to build a partnership with a family we need to stop and listen and with time we will gain all the pertinent information we need. The ladies in Holland are extraordinary and strong. They transformed right in front of us. The opportunity and ability to honestly share your true feelings is uplifting and encouraging. This group is a great outlet for moms and I’m so glad that we are able to provide this much needed service at Children’s Village. I look forward to the opportunity to faciliate a Spanish speaking Holland Group one day!!
Sep/08/13 18:18:41
/ Function For Bubble Sort:void Bsort(int a[],int N) > Takes input from the user, a[] is array that takes inifinte vaules, N is the number of entries{int i,j,c; > Local variablesfor(i=1;i i can take value from 1 to last but 2nd value (ex: if N = 10, i can take vaules from 1 to 9){for(j=0;j j can take value from 0 to last but 3rd value (from 0 to 8){if(A[j]>a[j+1]) > a[j] will now hold value in the first position of the entry since array starts from position 0 and a[j+1] will have 2nd value{c=a[j]; > if 1st value is greater than 2nd value then first value is stored to replace the position.a[j]=a[j+1]; > since we know that a[j+1] is small with respect to a[j], we replace the position.a[j+1]=c; > now c is greatest according to comparison so we are replacing c to 2nd position. Now we have sorted the first and second position. The loop goes on.}}}} http://tzjurqvubxw.com [url=http://dbdtqhd.com]dbdtqhd[/url] [link=http://gjjjghre.com]gjjjghre[/link]
Sep/09/13 22:05:47
You really make it apepar so easy along with your presentation but I in finding this topic to be actually one thing that I think I might never understand. It sort of feels too complicated and very large for me. I am looking forward on your subsequent put up, I will try to get the grasp of it!
Sep/10/13 5:13:38
Gosh, Dave.The amount of time you must spend recaershing these video products and then give the info away as freebies. (I understand the marketing ideology behind this, but there are others who would bundle it all up into a DVD, and promote with a $997 price tag!!)Long may you contine, I say. http://ikkucwqya.com [url=http://dfqwnwod.com]dfqwnwod[/url] [link=http://vdmdrlqbuol.com]vdmdrlqbuol[/link]

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