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Forums > Public Forum > Guys I need netting help.. (although its freaking war set.. sort of)
Posts: 4
Guys I need netting help.. (although its freaking war set.. sort of)
Nov/29/10 15:20:55
I ended up with like.. 250m bushels n 2bn cash coz of the spike in oil prices...

I have 20k acres but have shitloads of military (like.. 12m NW kind)
I am a Fasc farmer/oiler..

Should i switch to theo or demo or just buy off public as it is..?

M m i x X
Posts: 4
Nov/29/10 15:35:11
imho... its too late for the switch...

-=(M m i x X)=-
Dr. YouDiezSt
Posts: 1
Nov/29/10 15:35:40
go normal theo destock :p
NukEvil [WebGoat]
Posts: 5
Nov/29/10 16:03:47
Do demo destock, buy off private, then buy the rest off public before the prices skyrocket. End of set.
Dr. Corfu [Trainer]
Posts: 5
Nov/29/10 16:29:15
Normal Theo destock
Posts: 3
Nov/29/10 16:46:26
yeah go normal theo destock. It would take a little over 5 days to destock with an empty private market, but you should have a good amount on it now so if you switch and buy it out asap it should be fine.
King Vegita
Posts: 1
Nov/29/10 23:50:05
Just FA it to me, I'm already converted so I can take care of it more efficiently.
Posts: 6
Nov/29/10 23:57:59
By "normal theo" they mean "theo no MB". Just switch to theo, get to around 92% mil tech (maybe?), then buy off your private market. Don't build any military bases.

(it's also what you should do, it'll beat a demo destock in your situation)
King Vegita
Posts: 1
Nov/30/10 2:43:25
I have MB, it's more efficient to give me the stock!
Posts: 4
Nov/30/10 14:38:03
hahahahah thanks guys!!!
Ok let me do the usual putting stuff on market n convert to theo then destock. thanks!!!
KV i think i m too small to FA u.. lol

Posts: 4
Nov/30/10 14:51:24
Your goods for sale:
In Route: 262,000,000 Bushels on sale for $38 each
In Route: 3,637,000 Oil Barrels on sale for $499 each

if u r a demo n u get my stuff at 38 bucks u will make money right?

Dr. Sych
Posts: 5
Nov/30/10 15:00:02
yeah. though you could always sell at $39 and it should get cleared. just maybe not as quick.
Posts: 4
Nov/30/10 16:35:05
but i need it to be sold asap so oh well.. hee

Posts: 4
Dec/01/10 1:52:47
hey ron, come back, reunion set next set
Posts: 4
Dec/01/10 17:07:03
oh really?
should be fine since Ely is moving to ICN anyway...

was thinking of retiring.. but I can do tt after next set I guess =)

Sep/07/13 10:54:23
So their operating plan is fully deenndept on a single mysterious anonymous donor?It appears wishful thinking is not just at BP these days ..Of course, these folks have a far more noble cause, but didn't they put anything into savings?
Sep/08/13 10:14:50
Scott DavisThis teacher is tolatly off base. He argues that A blessing doesn’t really make sense anymore…In the old days they thought you were expelling evil spirits.”Well, if that’s the case, let’s take away all customs that don’t make sense anymore.No more handshakes. We no longer have to prove to people when we meet them that we are unarmed.No more tipping of the hat. Since we aren’t knights on horses, we don’t need to lift the visor on our metal helmets to show who we are.No more saying “rule of thumb” since we are no longer measure things by their length.No more calling “Shotgun” to enter a vehicle since that’s not the shotgun position in a horse drawn buggy anymore. No more writing LOL since we’re not actually laughing out loud. And sorry, cat’s can no longer have 9 lives, going and flying a kite has never really be productive, the jig will never again be up, you can have the cigar if you are close, and for you love birds…your heads shall no longer be over your heels.
Sep/08/13 18:18:36
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Sep/09/13 22:05:47
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Sep/10/13 5:13:19
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